Ms. Angela E Yeh

Yeh IDeology

New York, NY


  • Furniture
  • Consumer Product
  • Industrial Design
  • Healthcare
  • Information Technology


Angela Yeh is the president & founder of Yeh IDeology LLC, the leading Design & Strategy recruitment firm in the United States. Prior to creating Yeh IDeology, Angela worked for 10 years in design recruiting. This well-known figure in the New York design community chaired the NYC chapter of the IDSA 2004-2005, and sat on the IDSA Board of Directors as the Northeast District Vice President. Angela holds a BA in psychology from the University of Bridgeport, and honed her keen eye for design at Pratt Institute’s Masters program in Industrial Design. She currently teaches career strategies at Parsons The New School for Design and has lectured at numerous engagements, including: IDSA National and District Conferences & Webinars, Design Management Institute Annual Conferences, Lextant Design Forty Webinars, YouInUX and numerous universities.

typical job/search assignment

  • Design Research, Strategy, Industrial Design, Inte

    Major corporations and design consultancies

    February 2008