Mr. Lee Shahwan

Managing Director

Odin Search Group

Fort Worth


  • Biotechnology
  • Physician
  • Medical
  • Pharmaceuticals


My educational credentials include a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Elon

University, Master of Science in Engineering from North Carolina State

University (NCSU) and an MBA in International Marketing from University of

Dallas. My professional career spans 20 years in the design and development of

commercial and military aircraft during which I became a chairperson of the

DOD MIL-Handbook 17 polymer & composites subcommittee and obtained a

confidential security clearance. I have spent the last 15 years as CEO of my own

businesses. In 1998, I founded Odin Search Group in downtown Fort Worth,

Texas and became a member of MRINetwork®. Odin Search Group is

dedicated to conduct comprehensive candidate searches, customized to meet

our clients’ specific hiring needs. We provide full service executive search and

consulting services from CEO and Presidential level to mid management to staff

positions. Our goal is to develop lasting relationships with our clients and

candidates by continually providing superior value through Quality, Speed, and
