Mr. Vito Gioia

Amrop Italy



  • Development & Fund Raising
  • Financial
  • Banking
  • Manufacturing
  • Beverage
  • Accounting
  • Director & Board


Vito is Managing Partner of Amrop in Italy. He joined Amrop (Amrop ASA, previously TASA and TMP) in 1988 and was Chairman and Managing Director of Amrop ASA since 1994.

Vito has gained professional experience in different sectors: Public Relations (for Ruder & Finn Inc., New York), Auditing (for Price Waterhouse), Consulting and Human Resources (for Price Waterhouse Management Consultants Italy and UK), and Executive Search (Carrè Orban).

Practices: FMCG, Family Business, Financial, Manufacturing

Educational background in Commerce and Economics, MBA from Ashridge Management College (UK), Master in Business Administration from Loyola University of Chicago.

Certified Public Accountant, Auditor, Canova Club, Founder and President of Cenacolo della Buona Impresa, Board Member of Lazio Family, FERPI, AIDP, Board member ADICO.

Publications: - E'facile trovare un lavoro se hai voglia di lavorare", (it's easy to have a job if you are really willing to Work hard) Mind Edizioni 2014. "Come farsi cacciare dai cacciatori di teste” (How to be Headhunted by Headhunters), Il Sole 24 ore - Coordinator of TASA’s Book “La Ricerca dei Top Managers” , Sperling & Kupfer - “Smile Manager – a different way to be a manager”, Fazi Editore.

typical job/search assignment

  • C'levels and Board Members

    Western Europe